Global properties of solutions of the Einstein equations
Project PTDC/MAT-ANA/1275/2014


Publications 2019

  • Artur Alho and Simone Calogero, Multi-body spherically symmetric steady states of Newtonian self-gravitating elastic matter, Commun.Math.Phys. 371 (2019) 3, 975-1004,

  • Artur Alho, Grigorios Fournodavlos and Anne T. Franzen, The wave equation near flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker and Kasner Big Bang singularities, J. Hyperbolic Differ. Equ., 19, 02, 379-400,

  • Artur Alho, Claes Uggla and John Wainwright, Perturbations of the Lambda-CDM model in a dynamical systems perspective, JCAP 09 (2019) 045,

  • Alfonso Garcia-Parrado and Filipe Mena. Gravitational radiation and the evolution of gravitational collapse in cylindrical symmetry. Differential Geometry and its Applications. 64, pp. 29 -46. Elsevier, 06/2019.

  • Alfonso Garcia-Parrado, Type D conformal initial data, Gen.Rel.Grav. 52 (2020) 4, 3,

  • Alfonso García-Parrado and Igor Khavkine, Conformal Killing Initial Data, J.Math.Phys. 60 (2019) 12, 122502,

  • João L. Costa and José Natário, Elastic shocks in relativistic rigid rods and balls, Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. A 475 (2019) 20180858.

  • João L. Costa, José Natário and Pedro Oliveira, Decay of solutions of the wave equation in expanding cosmological spacetimes, J. Hyperbolic Differ. Equ. 16 (2019) 35-58.

  • João L. Costa, José Natário and Pedro Oliveira, Cosmic no-hair in spherically symmetric black hole spacetimes, Ann. Henri Poincaré 20 (2019) 9, 3059-3090 (2019).

  • Paulo Luz, Filipe C. Mena, and Amir H. Ziaie, Influence of intrinsic spin in the formation of singularities for inhomogeneous effective dust space-times, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(1) (2019) 015003 (22pp),

  • Irene Brito, M.P. Machado Ramos. Conformally flat metrics with anisotropic pressure. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 51: 28, 2019.

  • Irene Brito. Generating elastic solutions of the Einstein field equations from the Schwarzschild vacuum solution. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 6, No. 5, 1950071, 2019.

  • Raimon Luna, Miguel Zilhão, Vitor Cardoso, João L. Costa and José Natário, Strong Cosmic Censorship: the nonlinear story, Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 064014.

Presentations 2019

  • Artur Alho, Multi-body spherically symmetric steady states of Newtonian self-gravitating elastic matter,  Mathematical Relativity Seminar, CAMGSD, Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), 27 February 2019.

  • Artur Alho, Spherically symmetric steady states of Newtonian self-gravitating elastic matter, 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Valencia (Spain), 09 July 2019.

  • Artur Alho, Dynamical systems in perturbative cosmology, 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Valencia (Spain), 10 July 2019.

  • Pedro Girão, Solutions of the wave equation bounded at the Big Bang, Seminário de Relatividade Matemática, IST, Lisboa, Fevereiro de 2019.

  • Pedro Girão, Higher order linear stability and instability of Reissner-Nordstrom's Cauchy Horizon, Mathematical Relativity and Classical Gravitation Session da 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and
    13th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Valência, Julho de 2019

  • Anne T. Franzen, Flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker and Kasner Big Bang singularities analyzed on the level of scalar waves,   University of Vienna, Austria, seminar, (06/06/2019).

  • Anne T. Franzen, Flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker and Kasner Big Bang singularities analyzed on the level of scalar waves, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Quantum gravity seminar, (20/02/2019).

  • Anne T. Franzen, Flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker and Kasner Big Bang singularities analyzed on the level of scalar waves, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, Partial Differential Equations seminar, (30/01/2019).

  • An initial boundary value problem for the Einstein equations in spherical symmetry, 5th Minho Meeting on Mathematical Physics, Univ. Minho, march, 2019

  • Jorge Silva, Mass inflation and strong cosmic censorship for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant and an exponential Price law, Workshop Nonlinear PDEs in Braga, Braga, Portugal, 8/6/2019.

  • Jorge Silva, Mass inflation and strong cosmic censorship for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant and an exponential Price law, GR22 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Valencia, Spain, 9/7/2019.

  • Jorge Silva, A Matemática da Física", Matemática no Técnico: Vem conhecer as melhores profissões do mundo..., IST, 1/7/2019. (Outreach).

  • Filipe C. Mena, Dinâmica de modelos cosmológicos, seminar, Jornadas de Matemática, IST, Univ. Lisboa. (3/april/2019) (Outreach).

  • Filipe C. Mena, Global dynamics of $SO(3)$ Yang-Mills and perfect fluid FLRW cosmologies, 14th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Univ. Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, april, 2019

  • Filipe C. Mena, Global dynamics of $SO(3)$ Yang-Mills and perfect fluid FLRW cosmologies, 14th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Univ. Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, april, 2019

  • José Natário, Solutions of the wave equation bounded at the Big Bang, 12th International ISAAC Congress, Aveiro, Portugal, Julho de 2019.

  • José Natário, Cosmic no-hair in spherically symmetric black hole spacetimes, 22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Valencia, Espanha, Julho de 2019.

  • José Natário, Matemática e Ficção Científica, Dia do Técnico 2019, IST, Maio de 2019. (Outreach)

  • José Natário, Perguntas de Matemática, Academia de Verão de Aprendizagem e Olimpíadas Científicas, IST, Julho de 2018 e Julho de 2019. (Outreach)

  • João Costa, Black hole interiors in General Relativity, eddington at Sundy, Príncipe, Maio 2019.

  • João Costa, A análise matemática de buracos negros, Seminário de Matemática e Seminário de Física, ISEL, Março 2019

  • João Costa, Strong Cosmic Censorship, Linear Waves and Quasinormal modes, Mathematical Relativity Seminar, Sorbonne Univ. February 2019

  • João Costa, Strong Cosmic Censorship and Quasinormal modes, Vienna Relativity Seminar, January 2019.

Publications 2018

  • Alfonso Garcia-Parrado Gomez-Lobo and Ettore Minguzzi, Pseudo-Finsler Spaces Modeled on a Pseudo-Minkowski Space. Reports on Mathematical Physics. 82 - 1, pp. 29 - 42. Science Direct, 08/2018.

  • Vítor Cardoso, João Costa, Kyriakos Destounis, Peter Hintz and Aron Jansen, Quasinormal modes and Strong Cosmic Censorship, Phys.Rev.Lett. 120 (2018) 3, 031103,

  • Vítor Cardoso, João Costa, Kyriakos Destounis, Peter Hintz and Aron Jansen, Strong cosmic censorship in charged black-hole spacetimes: still subtle, Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 10, 104007,

  • João Costa, Pedro Girão, José Natário and Jorge Silva, On the occurrence of mass inflation for the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant and an exponential Price law, Commun. Math. Phys. 361 (2018) 289-341.

  • Pedro Girão, José Natário and Jorge Silva, Solutions of the wave equation bounded at the Big Bang (joint with Pedro M. Girão and José Natário), Class. Quantum Grav. 36 (2019) 075016,

  • Felix Finster and Moritz R., The Fermionic Signature Operator and Space-Time Symmetries, (2017), 21 pages, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. Vol. 22.8, (2018), pp. 1907-1937,

  • Leonel Queimada, José Natário and Rodrigo Vicente, Rotating elastic string loops in flat and black hole spacetimes: stability, cosmic censorship and the Penrose process, Class. Quantum Grav. 35(2018) 075003.

Presentations 2018

  • Artur Alho, Generic blow up for solutions of the wave equation towards Big Bang singularities, working seminar, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 4, 2018.

  • Artur Alho, Generic blow up for solutions of the wave equation towards Big Bang singularities, Analysis and Probability Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg (Sweden), 24 May 2018.

  • Alfonso Garcia-Parrado Gomez-Lobo, Type D conformal initial data, XXVII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, 2018
  • Anne T. Franzen, Flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker and Kasner Big Bang singularities analyzed on the level of scalar waves, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, seminar, (21/12/2018).

  • Anne T. Franzen, Flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker and Kasner Big Bang singularities analyzed on the level of scalar waves, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, Theoretical Physics seminar, (18/12/2018).

  • Anne T. Franzen, Kerr black hole interior stability for scalar waves, Field equations on Lorentzian spacetimes, Hamburg, Germany, conference, (03/2018).

  • João Costa, Cosmic no-hair in spherically symmetric black holes, ICMP, Toronto July 2018.

  • Jorge Silva, The Interplay Between Dispersive Partial Diferential Equations and Fourier Analysis, Colóquio de Matemática, I.S.T., 14/6/2018

  • Jorge Silva, Mass inflation and strong cosmic censorship for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant and an exponential Price law, 7th IST-IME meeting in honor of Prof. Paulo Cordaro, USP, São Paulo, Brasil, 27/7/2018

  • Filipe C. Mena, Introduction to the theory of spacetime matching, seminar, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 2018.

  • Filipe C. Mena, Applications of spacetime matching: models of black hole formation and gravitational wave emission, seminar, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 2018

  • Moritz Reintjes, Introduction to General Relativity, Mini-course, IMPA,Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, February 2018.

  • Moritz Reintjes, An elliptic mechanism for metric smoothing, PDE Seminar, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 2018.

  • Moritz Reintjes, The Question of Essential Metric Regularity at General Relativistic Shock Waves, Mathematical general Relativity Seminar, October 2018.

  • Moritz Reintjes, Introduction to the Theory of Shock Waves, Mini-course IST-ULisboa, 2018

  • José Natário, Mathematical Relativity and the Cosmic Censorship Conjecture, Colloquium de Matemática, IST, Novembro de 2018.

Publications 2017

Presentations 2017

  •  Artur Alho, A stellar model with diffusion in general relativity", XXVI  International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Braga, 5 September 2017.

  • Artur Alho, Static spherically symmetric Seth elastic bodies in Newtonian gravity, X Black Holes Workshop, Universidade do Minho, 18-19  December, Aveiro, Portugal (2017).

  • Irene Brito. Conformal transformations in relativistic elasticity: applications to spherical symmetry. EREP2017, University of Malaga, Spain, 12/09-15/09/2017.

  • Irene Brito, Filipe C. Mena. Initial boundary value problem for the spherically symmetric Einstein equations with fluids with tangential pressure. IFWGPXXVI, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 04/09-07/09/2017. (Poster)

  • Irene Brito. Initial boundary value problem for the Einstein field equations for a class of spherically symmetric imperfect fluids. EREP2017, University of Malaga, Spain, 12/09-15/09/2017. (Poster)​​​​

  • Anne Franzen, Strong Cosmic Censorship as seen from scalar waves in black hole interiors, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, seminar, (19/05/2017).

  • Anne Franzen, Strong Cosmic Censorship as seen from scalar waves in black hole interiors, University of California , Los Angeles, USA, participating analysis seminar, (04/04/2017).

  • Anne Franzen, Strong Cosmic Censorship as seen from scalar waves in black hole interiors,University of Surrey, Surrey, United Kingdom, seminar, (09/02/2017).

  • Anne Franzen, Strong Cosmic Censorship as seen from scalar waves in black hole interiors, University of Southampton , Southampton, United Kingdom, Gravity seminars,

  • Anne Franzen, Lecturer of the course: ‘General Relativity without Calculus’ at AstroCamp
    (2017), for students in their final years of secondary education.

  • A García-Parrado, Conformal geodesics in spherically symmetric vacuum spacetimes with cosmological constant,Conference: XXVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Braga, (Portugal) 2017,

  • P. Girão, On the occurrence of mass inflation for the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant and an exponential Price law, Encontro CAMGSD - CMAFCIO de Equações Diferenciais, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 14 e 15 de Setembro de 2017.

  • J. Natário, Strong cosmic censorship in spherical symmetry, XXVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Braga, 4-7 September 2017.

  • P. Oliveira, A Cosmic No-Hair Theorem for Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Spacetimes, X Black Holes Workshop, 18th-19th December 2017, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal).

  • J. Drumond Silva, The Einstein-Maxell.scalar field system and the strong cosmic censorship conjecture, Flash Presentation, French-American Conference on Nonlinear Dispersive PDEs 2017, CIRM - Centre, 14/6/2017, International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille Luminy, France.

  • J. Drumond Silva, Waves and Dispersion, Encontro Ciência 2017, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, 4/7/2017.

  • J. Drumond Silva, Minicourse on Microlocal Analysis I-XIV, Spring 2017. 

  • M. Reintjes, Conservation Laws and Applications, IMPA, August 2017

Publications 2016

Presentations 2016

  • Anne Franzen, Stability of black hole interiors and the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, seminar at CENTRA multidisciplinary centre for astrophysics, (29/09/2016).

  • Anne Franzen, Stability of black hole interiors and the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture, Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, (14/09/2016).

  • Anne Franzen, Boundedness of massless scalar waves on Reissner-Nordström interior backgrounds.
    Instituto Superior Técnico , Lisbon, Portugal, Partial Differential Equations seminar, (11/02/2016).

  • Anne Franzen, The wave equation on black hole backgrounds. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, Partial Differential Equations seminar, Series of lectures, spring 2016.

  • F. Mena, Conformal regularity and non-linear stability of spatially homogeneous spacetimes with a positive cosmological constant, in session "Complex and conformal methods in classical and quantum gravity", 21st International Conference in General Relativity and Gravitation (GR21), New York, U.S.A. (2016).

  • F. Mena, Cosmologia Teorica e Matematica, Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Fisica (ENEF), Univ. Minho, Fevereiro 18-21, 2016.

  • Irene Brito, Elastic waves in spherically symmetric elastic spacetimes, GR21, Columbia University, New York, 10-15/07/2016.

  • Irene Brito, (Poster title) Cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous dust collapse, GR21, Columbia University, New York, 10-15/07/2016.

  • Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo, New conserved currents for vacuum space-times in dimension four with a Killing vector, Conference: 21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, New York (USA), 2016,

  • Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo, New conserved currents for vacuum space-times in dimension four with a Killing vector, Conference: IX Black Hole Workshop, Guimarães, (Portugal) 2016,

  • Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo, (Poster title) Vacuum type D initial data, 21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, New York, (USA), 2016,

  • Artur Alho, On dynamical systems approaches and methods in f(R) cosmology" EREP 2016, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 13/09/2016. 

  • Artur Alho, A stellar model with diffusion in general relativity, IX Black Holes Workshop, Universidade do Minho, 19-20 December, Guimarães, Portugal (2016). 

  • Jorge Drumond Silva, 26/1, 28/1, 2/2 e 4/2/2016 Short Course "The initial value problem for Einstein's equations, spherically symmetric black holes and the cosmic censorship conjecture", KAUST, Saudi Arabia.

  • Jorge Drumond Silva, On black holes and the strong cosmic censorship in spherical symmetry, 6th IST-IME meeting, in honor of Prof. Waldyr Oliva, I.S.T.

  • Pedro Girão, On the occurrence of mass inflation for the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant and an exponential Price law, 6º Encontro IST-IME, IST, Lisboa, Setembro de 2016.

  • João L. Costa, On the decay of linear waves in Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter, IX Black Holes Workshop, Guimarães, Portugal, December, 2016.

  • João L. Costa, On strong cosmic censorship in the presence of a positive cosmological constant, Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, 2016.

  • João L. Costa, Bounded energy waves in the black hole interior of Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter spacetimes II, Seminário de Equações Diferenciais Parciais, IST, Lisboa, Portugal, 2016.

  • João L. Costa, Bounded energy waves in the black hole interior of Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter spacetimes I, Seminário de Equações Diferenciais Parciais, IST, Lisboa, Portugal, 2016.

  • João L. Costa, Global uniqueness in general relativity: the strong cosmic censorship conjecture, Encontro Ciência 2016, Lisboa, 2016.